Wednesday, September 5, 2007


It rained Saturday during MissMunchkin's nap. I mean, it all out poured cats and dogs. When MissMunchkin woke up she wanted to go outside. (When does she not?) Mommy told her even though it had stopped raining, it was too wet to go out.

After much whining and having every shoe in the house brought to her, Mommy gave in.

So, outside we went.

Our sidewalks are like little rivers when it rains as the lawn seems to be 1/2 inch higher then the sidewalk pavement. MissMunchkin much enjoyed splashing through the river. Then venturing into the yard, she managed to find and sit in a nice puddle. There she sat, playing with the water flowing into a small pipe, signing water, splashing, and giggling.

All told, we spent an hour wandering through our flooded complex until Mommy finally dragged our soggy selves back home.

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