Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Signing Times

After a very long weekend for Mommy, MissMunchkin's "Baby Signing Time" Marathon has ended. Well, maybe not quite ended but slowed significantly.

Yesterday we were finally allowed to watch something else or turn the tv off for a while.

Then the signing started.

MissMunchkin now has a blossoming signing vocabulary. And often those signs are accompanied with sound. Not quite words but getting there!

MissMunchkin now signs ball, bear cracker (teddy grahams), car, eat, potty (mostly after the fact...,) and best of all Grandma!

How she figured out Grandma and not Mom is beyond me since they are almost the same sign. But that is neither here nor there I suppose.

Grandma sent new "Signing Time" dvd's and books for episodes 1-3. The dvd's are not as captivating as the baby volumes but they have lots of new signs. The books on the other hand... Oh, MissMunchkin loves those books!

Now, see, MissMunchkin started signing this sign last night and I couldn't figure it out. She was a bit upset with me but she moved on. (We were teething yesterday, MissMunchkin was a bit upset about everything.)

Then today FedEx shows up with these books. (Sidenote: How many doors do you think knock back when FedEx knocks on them? MissMunchkin's does!)

I show her the books and she carries them off. I swear it's not two minutes later she's back with them. Okay, Mommy read to MissMunchkin. Happens regularly.

Nope, no read. She wants to show me the page with "grandma" and "grandpa" on it. Okay, yep, neat.

Then she starts making this sign, complete with "Gaa, gaa". (You really have to hear it... sorry.)

One plus one equal two Mom.

The rest of the afternoon I get "grandma", "car", knocking on the door, "grandma". Oh, then she's starts crawling in her high chair. It sits next to the light switch when it's not meal time. MissMunchkin likes to play with the lights. Not today. Today she's trying to buckle herself in. Which with some (but not very much) help from Mommy we accomplish. Then she signs car.

If it's not one thing with MissMunchkin it's another.

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