Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mommy's Owie

One of my favorite quotes is:

"One of the most unexpected things, so far, about parenting a toddler is how often I have to check whether my nose is broken."

Posted on Dairy of a Playground Drop-out

It made my laugh when I first read it. I was not laughing yesterday.

I thought MissMunchkin was asleep. (Yay! Naptime! Mommy might get something done..)

Couple more minutes and I could safely sneak out of the room.

Now, putting MissMunchkin down for a nap involves pretending you yourself are asleep. So, naturally my eyes were closed. I couldn't see it coming. I didn't stand one cotton-pickin' chance.

MissMunchkin headbutted Mommy right between the eyes. So hard MissMunchkin whimpered, which is rare as she seemed to be hard-headed.

Very hard-headed.

Mommy almost blacked-out hard.

And of course that was the end of naptime. MissMunchkin was now ready to play.

Mommy took a pain killer, iced her forehead until MissMunchkin ran off with the ice pack...

Two hours later I began to get dizzy and the nausea set in. I consider no small miracle that MissMunchkin played by herself quietly for over an hour while Mommy laid on the couch and then took a three hour nap with her.

Maybe she I thought I was really asleep? Wonder if that would work again? Of course nothing gets done that way...

Oh, and I feel fine today. Or as fine as a sleep deprived mother of a very busy 16 month old toddler....

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