Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Potty Stops

Halfway home from a visit to Grandma's MissMunchkin woke up from her nap very grumpy. She had her pacifier and Miss Kitty but that didn't stop the screaming. Then Mommy asked if she had to go potty. Silence fell and a little hand made the potty sign.

MissMunchkin then waited (mostly) patiently until Daddy found a gas station to stop at and for Mommy to carry her inside. She did her business, settled back in her car seat and promptly went back to sleep.

One less wet diaper to wash!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


MissMunchkin loves to play peek-a-boo. She'll bring Mommy the dish towel she managed to snag from the counter and giggle as Mommy covers her head with it. Then she'll snatch it off and try to put it back on.

Today in the bathtub I caught MissMunchkin putting a washcloth over one of her ducks and then covering her own eyes with her hands. Then she'd take the cloth of the duck, say "quack, quack" (one of MissMunchkin's favorite words) and start all over again.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Studying Signs

In case you've been wondering, MissMunchkin is still very engrossed in learning American Sign Language. She has created her very own course of study on the subject.

Upon rising in the morning, MissMunchkin pulls out her "Signing Time" board books, all three volumes. We have to carefully read each one together, at least once, if not several times. I wonder whether it's to make sure she hasn't forgotten them or to refresh me.

Through out the day we cycle through five dvd's:

If I'm lucky we may turn them off for up to an hour at a time.

The five dvd's cover 90 signs. MissMunchkin knows all but 12 (diaper, horse, boat, blanket, friend, hungry, bread, full, day, happy, sad, and boy.) Many of those she either has another sign that works just as well for the idea (ie: all done/finished instead of full), she has no use for the sign (ie: why learn blanket, she hates them), or has no understanding of the word at all (ie: friend).

Wow, I didn't realize how many signs we have learned till I sat here and counted them. No wonder we have to review them all everyday!

MissMunchkin is getting bored and ready for the next challenge now. The dvd's are not so engrossing anymore. She knows them by heart; I've caught her moving on to the next sign or song before the kids on the tv do.

There's a rumor there are new ones on the way... Let's hope it's soon!

Friday, August 10, 2007

"It's Hot"

It is incredibly hot, in fact. I don't think it has gotten below 80 degrees at night all week. And in the day? Into the triple digits. Much, much too hot for me. So, MissMunchkin hasn't gotten to go get the mail or even go to the pool. It's too hot to swim even!

Strangely, now that I think about it, she hasn't been complaining about not going outside. Usually after a day or two I start getting shoes brought to me and chants of "siii, sii, sii!!" Which I take as her attempts to say 'outside.' I haven't heard that all week. Maybe even MissMunchkin has realized it's too hot out. That'd be a first!

Actually this post was to have nothing to do with the temperature outside but rather MissMunchkin's new favorite phrase: "It's hot."

I suppose it's my fault really. When I give her dinner I usually tell her the main dish is hot and to be careful. (Mind you it's never anything that's incredibly hot, just hotter than the room temperature fruit she's shoving in spoon over fist.)

Now whatever I give her that's not straight out of the fridge is "hot."

"I's 'ot" is more what it sounds like.

It's been sitting in front of her for ten minutes with her playing with it and she looks at me to say for the twentieth time:

"I's 'ot."

It'd be infuriating if it wasn't so damn adorable.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Miss Munchkin's Indoor Pool

MissMunchkin's biggest complaint about the heat is that Mommy is refusing to even go to the pool. This is a favorite activity for MissMunchkin. She is getting over her hesitation (for better or worse is yet to be seen) and is learning to hold her breath, kick, and splash (under Mommy and Daddy's watchful eye.)

After a few tantrums and trying to get to her swim suit in all manner of ways she seemed to have given up on the concept. Or so I thought.

MissMunchkin has discovered she has her very own personal indoor pool and it is just her size! How cool is that? Here Mommy and Daddy just thought it was a bathtub. Silly, silly them.

In MissMunchkin's pool she can hold herself up with her hands and kick to her hearts delight. She can splash and splash. Who cares that it gets water all over the bathroom? Mommy wanted to mop anyway. Didn't she?

Oh, what will she come up with next?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

My Little House Elf

Mommy started using FlyLady this week; trying to get some order to the house. Not that it's bad here, just more clutter then is needed. Or rather, more temptation then is needed for MissMunchkin to get into.

Now MissMunchkin not being like any other "normal" child, likes to clean. Here's some of her favorite things to do:

- scrub the walls while taking a bath/shower
- find a cloth and wipe down table, walls, Mommy, floors, MissMunchkin, Mommy again...
- throw Lego's in the Lego bucket
- throw anything in a bucket
- wipe the counter while Mommy washes dishes
- throw dirty clothes in the hamper
- throw dirty clothes in the washer (this was a great new thing this morning!)
- hand Mommy clean clothes to fold
- direct Mommy where the clean, folded clothes go (with much pointing of the fingers)

Oh, and I almost forgot.

MissMunchkin's favorite thing is... Vacuuming! If only it wasn't bigger then her!

I'm still looking for those pointy ears to start showing any day now.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Kitty On The Wall

I finally found my calenders! Nearly two months after our move, but hey I found them! One of them was still plastic wrapped even. It was bigger and filled the blank space on the wall better so I broke it open.

MissMunchkin sees it and comes running over, signing "kitty, kitty, kitty" while making her meow sound.

Yep, it's a calendar full of kitties! Cute napping kittens at that.

The rest of the day whenever we talk or read about cats she has run over to show me there is a kitty on the wall.