Thursday, August 2, 2007

My Little House Elf

Mommy started using FlyLady this week; trying to get some order to the house. Not that it's bad here, just more clutter then is needed. Or rather, more temptation then is needed for MissMunchkin to get into.

Now MissMunchkin not being like any other "normal" child, likes to clean. Here's some of her favorite things to do:

- scrub the walls while taking a bath/shower
- find a cloth and wipe down table, walls, Mommy, floors, MissMunchkin, Mommy again...
- throw Lego's in the Lego bucket
- throw anything in a bucket
- wipe the counter while Mommy washes dishes
- throw dirty clothes in the hamper
- throw dirty clothes in the washer (this was a great new thing this morning!)
- hand Mommy clean clothes to fold
- direct Mommy where the clean, folded clothes go (with much pointing of the fingers)

Oh, and I almost forgot.

MissMunchkin's favorite thing is... Vacuuming! If only it wasn't bigger then her!

I'm still looking for those pointy ears to start showing any day now.

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