Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Studying Signs

In case you've been wondering, MissMunchkin is still very engrossed in learning American Sign Language. She has created her very own course of study on the subject.

Upon rising in the morning, MissMunchkin pulls out her "Signing Time" board books, all three volumes. We have to carefully read each one together, at least once, if not several times. I wonder whether it's to make sure she hasn't forgotten them or to refresh me.

Through out the day we cycle through five dvd's:

If I'm lucky we may turn them off for up to an hour at a time.

The five dvd's cover 90 signs. MissMunchkin knows all but 12 (diaper, horse, boat, blanket, friend, hungry, bread, full, day, happy, sad, and boy.) Many of those she either has another sign that works just as well for the idea (ie: all done/finished instead of full), she has no use for the sign (ie: why learn blanket, she hates them), or has no understanding of the word at all (ie: friend).

Wow, I didn't realize how many signs we have learned till I sat here and counted them. No wonder we have to review them all everyday!

MissMunchkin is getting bored and ready for the next challenge now. The dvd's are not so engrossing anymore. She knows them by heart; I've caught her moving on to the next sign or song before the kids on the tv do.

There's a rumor there are new ones on the way... Let's hope it's soon!

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